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December 26, 2024
As winter's chill sets in, you can either snuggle under the blankets and hibernate like a bear or bundle up and conquer the great outdoors! This season, be intentional about your physical wellness. The cold weather and shorter days may tempt you to stay indoors and be less active but maintaining physical activity and wellness during the winter months is crucial for overall health. Here are some tips to help you stay on track from the American Heart Association:
Enjoy the Refreshing Chill: Without the heat and humidity, winter’s chill can make you feel awake and invigorated. For colder climates embrace the cold by dressing in layers.
Extended Workouts: Depending on where you live, the cold weather might allow you to be outside longer, helping you burn more calories.
Soak Up the Sunlight: Since the days are shorter, take advantage of the limited sunlight and get out in the middle of the day. Sunlight can improve your mood and provide essential vitamin D.
Boost Your Immunity: Exercise can enhance your immunity during cold and flu season. Just a few minutes a day can help prevent simple bacterial and viral infections, according to the CDC.
Remember to talk with your doctor before starting any exercise to be sure you’re following a safe, effective physical activity program. Maintaining your physical health can be tough during winter, especially for those in the veterinary industry, but with a bit of planning you can keep yourself moving despite the winter winds. If you are a Vetcor team member in the US be sure to check out the physical health resources available through our Wellbeing Rewards Program.