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January 18, 2018
Jennifer is the hospital manager at the Animal Medical Center of Ontario.
After being the hospital manager of the Animal Medical Center of Ontario for 14 years, the practice has always been a huge part of my life. In 2016, the owner and I decided to start meeting with corporations to buy the practice – the practice that meant the world to me. We met Bob Dionne, acquisition manager from VetCor. I remember thinking that not only did he seem like a down to earth person, but he was very proud of the company he represented.
I had concerns in our search of a corporate buyout, especially what it would mean for our high practice standards, our amazing staff, and how it would impact a job I loved so much. After leaving the meeting with Bob, I knew that VetCor was going to be the type of organization I could see myself working for in the years to come.
I started helping with the process of VetCor acquiring AMC, and I wondered if they would live up to their promises. I can say after eight months; the answer is 100% YES! Every day, we are still AMC of Ontario – we practice our style of advanced medicine, continue to grow the practice in the direction we envision, and still maintain our extraordinary staff with the amazing support of our regional manager, Matt, and the whole corporate team.
Veterinary medicine is changing in the direction of corporate-owned practices, which seems scary to many. But, as I went through this journey, I realized very quickly that I am fortunate to be a part of a company that cares not only about the success of the practice, but most of all, their employees. They have shown me that they want every employee to have a balanced personal/professional life. That is important to me as I love having time with my husband, John (also a VetCor employee!), our two beautiful daughters, Lexi and Alyssa, as well as our seven furry friends.
Let me mention something that really made me realize that I worked for a company that truly cares: About three months ago, my daughter and my husband were both having some health issues. Not only did my regional manager call me to see how they were doing, but he continues to always ask about my family and refers to my children like he has known them forever. It made me realize that the feeling I had at acquisition about joining a family still carries through today.
I also appreciate that not only do myself and AMC employees now have better benefits and more CE opportunities, but most of all, the opportunity to have each and every employee continue their growth within the veterinary field and within VetCor. During the search to sell our practice, the care of our staff was our primary concern. Happy, healthy employees equal success, and we have an amazing group that is thriving in their employment with VetCor. Plus, it is a stress reliever for me to have a team of experts in human resources, IT, marketing and recruiting at my fingertips.
VetCor has shown me that they buy successful practices like mine, not to change who we are, but to offer support to help us reach our goals. In all honesty, there hasn’t been a day that has passed that I don’t believe in who I work for; I have never been disappointed. I couldn’t be any prouder to say I work for VetCor, and I’m excited to see what the next 14 years has in store for me and the practice I hold so dear to my heart!