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July 11, 2016
Hello, everyone. For those who don’t know me, my name is Zachary Darsch. I will be a senior at Suffolk University in Boston, MA this fall, and am currently a marketing intern here at the VetCor home office for the summer.
So far, my time in the position has been very enjoyable. I am keeping busy with a variety of projects and have felt very welcomed by the great people around the office. I have learned many things so far, some expected and some unexpected.
First off, I have learned that it’s hard to maintain a diet during the office birthday season with all the cake, ice cream, donuts, brownies – you name it – being consumed almost every week (although I’m not complaining). In order to counteract these sweets, I have joined the office wellness walks to get some fresh air, stretch my legs, and debrief on everyone’s favorite show Game of Thrones.
One of my unexpected lessons has been with decorating and how it can relate to marketing. Appearance means everything in a service business. Melissa has taken me under her wing to help with decorating around the office for birthdays, and even a bridal brunch (that was definitely a first). Along with the office, I have also helped her with updating the décor at Norwell Veterinary Hospital. I’ve helped with putting together the kid’s space, creating a feline-friendly waiting area, and hanging posters to help clients better understand the benefits of annual veterinary care. Afterwards, the practice has a fresh new look and Melissa rewards me with food, even if it is just Subway, so it’s all worth it.
When I am actually at my desk, I have mainly been working on enhancing all of the practice’s websites. I have been adding those annual veterinary care materials to all of the websites. I’m also updating and cleaning up the many webpages to improve the practices’ visibility on Google. The whole marketing team has been a huge help with catching me up to speed on website management platform, Joomla, and the ins and outs of these websites. Along with the sites, I have also gained some experience with DemandForce, Facebook, and Google Analytics, which are all platforms that can help me a great deal as I go into my senior year and beyond.
My first few months here sure have flown by, and I’m sure that won’t change as August and the start of my Senior year quickly approaches. I look forward to the projects the marketing team has in store for my last month and just continuing to learn all that I can.