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October 26, 2022
TechLife was started over two years to connect our techs and help them take advantage of the vast knowledge, skills, and opportunities we have in our network. From encouraging techs to pursue their passion to training and mentoring, this group is making a difference!
In the summer of 2022, a monthly newsletter from TechLife debuted and continues to grow its audience. The newsletter spreads the word about upcoming continuing education events, shares highlights from the TechLife Facebook group, and provides video recordings of previous events.
For National Vet Tech Week, TechLife delivered some great conversations on their TechLife Facebook group. The celebration was filled with seven days of contests that spurred techs to share their pet family portraits, reflect on their careers, and have a little fun. There were multiple winners who took home prizes such as streaming service subscriptions and TechLife Yeti tumblers. There were also contests on the VetCor Facebook page for all VetCor team members to join the celebration. Those winners took home gift baskets and team lunches.
Here are some of the contest submissions from the week:
It was time to show off their pets and share family photos of snuggles and wet kisses. It was heartwarming to see how loved the techs’ pets are.
Do you think you can tell someone's personality by the type of pet they like? Techs shared what their favorites were for this contest. They ranged from spicy cats and senior pets to German Shepherds and rescues.
Techs took a step away from their day-to-day to reflect on their “why”. Why did they choose a career in the veterinary field? Some knew it was a passion from childhood and while others made career changes. It is clear they all have a passion and a calling to be pet advocates.
We value all of our practice team members and look forward to more fun ways to share our appreciation. If you’re a VetCor tech, join the VetCor TechLife Facebook group to tap into tech resources (and contests!), and get information on signing up for the monthly newsletter.