Physical Wellness: Winter Wellness Tips

Physical Wellness: Winter Wellness Tips
Winter wellness tips

December 12, 2023

Staying active and getting outside during these colder months isn’t as appealing as it is in milder weather. Here are some tips that will motivate you to maintain your physical health throughout the winter. The CDC recommends the following to stay active:

1. Keep walking - If you have pets, you are probably already out there walking, so consider mixing up the route to keep it interesting. Take a moment to look around while you are out and note the change in the winter landscape.

2. Workout online - If you live in an area that experiences an increase in inclement weather, it might be best to turn to your screen and find an exercise video to follow along with. You can find everything from low-impact workouts to body weight routines that fit small spaces. 

3. See chores in a different way - House cleaning activities such as vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting help maintain physical wellness. Not only will you keep your space neat, but you can check off self-care at the same time (bonus if you have to go up and down stairs while picking up!).

4. Volunteer in active ways - helping a neighbor shovel snow, carrying others' groceries, or dedicating your time to packing boxes at your local food pantry are just some of the many ways to add movement to your day while giving back.

Our team members are excellent at celebrating each other and lifting each other up. Staying active this winter with the help of your work community also helps make it fun!